After receiving lab results in August of 2021 and noticing that my HbA1c had jumped to 5.7, I was a bit concerned with my glucose levels. I had looked into continuous glucose monitors (CGM) in the past and had even used a Dexcom G6 a few years ago. After doing a bit of reading online I came across NutriSense and decided to try it out for a couple of months.
I am using the NutriSense app to track my glucose levels as well as meals and exercise. The app is pretty nice, but I knew going in that I want to perform non-standard analyses of the data and chart it in ways that the app would likely not support. After confirming that all the NutriSense data can be exported, I started working on Jupyter Notebooks. These notebooks help me answer questions about my blood glucose levels and how they react to different foods and exercise routines.
I have setup this website to share the notebooks with others who have similar needs. The notebooks are available on a Github repository and I will answer questions using Github issues or direct message on Twitter .